Calcite, Chert, Travertine

Collected on the Gem-O-Rama trip (field report being written!) after the day 1 events had concluded. This is a wonderful example of sedimentary fluorescence with several generations of massive calcite (fl white & cream) on the top and travertine (fl light & darker brown) on the bottom with a thin layer of chert in between. The piece I ultimately ended up keeping was the one on the right of this set. What originally drew me was that color combination of the fluorescent orange caliche on the bottom of the calcite and travertine combination.
Locale: Grimes & Sexton Quarry, Trona, CA
Weight: 2lb 9.5oz | 1174g
Dimensions: 4 x 3.8 x 3.6 in| 101 x 97 x 92 mm
365nm LW
However, I knew it wouldn't last as this was destined to be split in half to reveal a fresh face. So, with rotary hammer in hand I started the trimming process and luckily made a perfect split! Surprising considering it already had a massive crack in the opposite direction. Works for me! The piece that'll join my collection is the one on the right as it has the face that originally attracted me as well as a wonderfully bright fresh face while the other will be given away.
365nm LW
It also exhibits brief intense phosphorescence as shown in the video below. Surprisingly the whole face phosphoresces!